Salmon Creek Trail Wildflowers 2014
Here’s a list of wildflowers seen along Salmon Creek Trail on April 10, 2014, submitted by Amanda Darling
Note from Amanda:
There is still a good amount of wildflowers even after the dry winter 🙂 I hope this information is useful.
Thank you for your efforts,
Amanda Darling, Cambria
columbine (at San Carpoforo)
shooting star – dodecatheon
allium – brodaea?
white star – zygadene
(another berry with broad yellow-green leaves)
indian paintbrush
chocolate bells
morning glory
blue eyed grass
purple nightshade
Just a note on wildflowers a bit further south, if you go to Johnson Ranch preserve in SLO, there is a large patch of 100+ chocolate lilies that are in bloom right now. Also, the hills above Cayucos are covered in large patches of purple lupine that have just popped up this week.