On Saturday, October 5th at 10am, the California Native Plant Society-SLO will be offering a bilingual presentation about gardening with native plants at the City of Santa Maria Public Library. The presentation will talk about California native plants well suited to Santa Maria and other coastal portions of the County. Bill Waycott and Zach Tanner with CNPS-SLO will discuss how to select, grow, and use these native plants in your garden. They will also talk about some of the wonderful native plants local to the area. The presentation will include a photo tour of featured plants, a list of recommended plants for the garden, and a question-and-answer period at the end. Free to all and no reservation is required.
Spanish translation will be provided for any native Spanish speakers. We hope to see you there.
After you get inspired to garden and grow natives, purchase your native plants at the fall native plant sale. The San Luis Obispo chapter of the California Native Plant Society will hold their fall plant sale on Saturday, November 2nd. A few weeks before the sale, their website will feature descriptions of the plants that will be available at the sale and offer pre-ordering. Browsing and purchase of plants will also be available at the sale. Check the CNPS-SLO website in late September for details on the fall plant sale.
We have a SLO County native landscape planting guide on the chapter website that is especially helpful with five easy garden projects and steps to get your yard ready for a native garden. More resources for designing and maintaining native plant gardens are at the CNPS SLO website here.
If you have any questions, please call or email The Natural History Museum at (805)-614-0806 or naturalhistory412.santamaria@gmail.com.
photo: Nipomo Mesa ceanothus, Ceanothus impressus var. nipomoensis, Zach Taylor