At our Thursday, June 1, 2023 general membership meeting, Dr. David Keil will introduce the newly published second edition of the Vascular Plants of San Luis Obispo County. Dr. Keil is the author of this second edition which was originally published in 1970 by fellow Cal Poly professor Robert F. Hoover. The much updated second edition features an expanded coverage including many plants not documented in the first edition. Several of these are new to science. Plant names and taxonomy are up-to-date. User-friendly keys, plant descriptions, and photos aid in identification. Dave will discuss the role of the San Luis Obispo CNPS chapter in the development of the flora, the process of assembling the flora, and his ongoing research on the plants of the county. Copies of the new Flora will be available for purchase ($55) and signing by the author at the meeting.
This in-person meeting will be at the City of San Luis Obispo Veterans Memorial Building (location details below). At this time we are not set up for additionally providing video feed (= no Zoom session). Social gathering and light refreshments start at 7 pm. At 7:30 pm, chapter business will be conducted, and then the speaker’s presentation.
Dr. David Keil is Professor Emeritus of Biology at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo where he taught courses in general botany, plant taxonomy, field botany, evolution and biogeography for 39 years. Dave has had a lifelong interest and enthusiasm for botany. For many years Dave served as Curator of the Robert F. Hoover Herbarium at Cal Poly. He has been a major contributor and editor to The Jepson Manual and the Flora of North America. He edited both editions of the Wildflowers of San Luis Obispo. He was elected as CNPS Fellow in 2018.