Contribute to CNPS-SLO Website

Share your photos, plant lists, information or other resources
Protecting the the rights of copyright owners is serious business and CNPS-SLO processes a large volume of images for the website and social media. Here is our policy for material submitted for use by CNPS-SLO.
  • Please submit only images that you personally took with your own camera and therefore are the copyright owner.
  • Please use the submittal form on this page when submitting images.
  • If you don’t want to use the form, you can send an email to with the same information
    • the name and description of your image
    • and the following words: I hereby warrant to being the legal copyright owner in the Work described below. 
  • Images at least 1920 pixels wide are the most flexible, as I can resize smaller but not larger.
  • Feel free to watermark your image with your name if you like.
  • Ideally, every article, post, event, note, update – everything posted on the website – will have an associated image. Providing an image with your newsletter article helps make our email newsletter, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts, and our website engaging, shareable, and in keeping with current web standards.
  • We welcome plant lists such as those displayed here for inclusion on this site. Please submit your plant list in Microsoft Word format, and include a copyright release.
Because of the large volume of images that we process, it is not feasible to use images that require attribution on the page itself or that have stipulations (for example, “you can use this image for this one event only”).
When submitting events, please be sure to include either a physical address or the latitude and longitude coordinates. We cannot post events that don’t a specific venue that is able to be located on Google Maps.

Join Our Flickr Group

  1. Sign up for your own Flickr photo sharing account and receive a FREE terabyte of cloud storage.

2. Search for California Native Plant Society, and select CNPS-SLO.


3. You can selectively add your photos to the group while viewing the group (Add Photo button) or while viewing the photo (Add to Group link).

No Copyright Release Needed

Images you share with the group will remain saved in your Flickr account and will appear in the linked images on our home page. Because we are not storing your image on our server, there is no need for a copyright release.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing your photos!

Use this form to send an email to our web team without submitting material.


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