
Native plant tips, information, and sources to inspire and encourage the use and conservation of California native plants

Featured Plants

Take an in-depth look at specific plants and plant families

CNPS-SLO Plant Library

Details about native and select non-native plants, submitted by Chapter members

Native Plant Sources

A listing of nurseries and other with an excellent selection of natives

Plants in the Wild

Walking, hiking, and driving plant lists in San Luis Obispo County

Growing Natives

Information about how to plan, start, and maintain native plant gardens and landscapes that are both ecologically beneficial and personally enjoyable

Teacher Resources

Opening the World through Journaling: Integrating art, science, and language arts

A curriculum written for CNPS by John Muir Laws and Emily Brueunig

Native Plants for School & Urban Gardens

By Betsey Landis, Los Angeles/Santa Monica Mountains Chapter, California Native Plant Society